Coming to rehearsals each week is the way to mastering the music, and also getting to know your fellow choir members. MUCS performs some very exciting and sometimes complex works, and they often require adequate preparation to ensure they can be performed well in public.
MUCS rehearsals in 2025 resume on Wednesday 5th February.
To enable performances to take place, some extra Friday night orchestral or dress rehearsals at the Drill Hall or performance venues may be scheduled later in the year immediately before major performances. To perform in concerts it is expected that members will have attended at least 70% of rehearsals leading up to any given concert or concert season. Failure to meet a satisfactory level of attendance may result in singers being refused the chance to perform, or being asked to submit themselves to an audition if they believe they have learned the repertoire.
Be early or on time! With a lot of people in MUCS it can be daunting if you arrive late and have to find a place in an already crowded room. Get there in time to have a chat to your fellow singers, collect your music, find a seat in the right section and be ready to go!
Remember to check in and record your attendance. Before entering, you will be asked to register your attendance via a QR Code and Jotform. This will be used to record your attendance at rehearsals and will also assist planning, seating, making sure there is enough music etc. Failure to check in will result in you being recorded as absent.
Bring a pencil, your music and a water bottle! Having a pencil is a great way to help you write down tips of details you learn during rehearsal. Please remember to bring your music each week. It's also best if you bring your own waterbottle and keep hydrated during rehearsals!
Don't talk during rehearsal once the music starts! With so many people in the room its not fair on the conductor or accompanist, nor your fellow choristers if you are talking while other people are trying to listen or rehearse.
Try not to leave early, and be regular! If you consistently leave early or miss rehearsals you won't know the music, and it makes it difficult to balance the choir if people are not there! MUCS choristers are expected to attend 75% of weekly rehearsals to perform in concerts. We understand if there is an occasional clash of dates or family crisis to attend to, but try to commit to weekly rehearsals as a priority. The more regular you are the more you will enjoy MUCS, and the better you will become.
Please scan the QR code before entering at all MUCS rehearsals. There will usually be printed signs available at the door. This is used to record your attendance and to assist with planning and seating etc
Join the biggest and best non-auditioning student choir on campus! With over 80 years of tradition, MUCS is famous for it's mix of student energy, welcoming social activity and high musical standards.
Sing excellent repertoire in Melbourne's finest venues with leading soloists and orchestras, under the direction of award-winning conductor Andrew Wailes, widely regarded as one of Australia's leading choral experts.
Join in time to tour Eastern Europe in January 2026